Individuals under this category keep getting medical problems one after another. Their problems at the initial stage are:

1.  Weakness or loss of stamina

2.  Anxiety

3.  Cough-Cold

4.  Depression

5.  Heavy head or short memory

6.  Sleeplessness

7.   Getting exhausted after doing little work

8.   High stress

9.   Infection

10.  Breathing problems, etc.

 In case they don’t get timely treatment, their illness grow and may result in

1.      Muscular dystrophy

2.     Epilepsy

3.     Parkinson

4.     Degeneration

5.    Deep Depression

6.     Asthma

7.     Arthritis

8.     Nervous system or Neurological disorders.


In general, Individuals under this group have no medical problems. They enjoy their life. In case they face any health issue that would be psychiatric like: 

1. Erratic mood

2. Lose convincing power

3. They can’t talk properly and lose their presence of mind.

4. Always diverted or double-minded. ( like do it or not to do it)


There is always an immediate need to remove breathing disorders in these cases. We specialize in giving fast results to these patients as they have a healthy immune system.

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